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Hand Sanitizer: The Swiss Army Knife Of Cleaning Agents

Alcohol-free hand sanitizers, Available in bulk quantities.

Hand Sanitizer No One-Hit Disinfectant Wonder

The world’s No. 1 germ killer isn’t a one-hit wonder or a one-trick pony.

Hand sanitizer is also a Swiss Army Knife in a bottle, a versatile cleansing agent that has more uses than Baskin Robbins has flavors. Killing 99 percent of all germs on contact is just the beginning of hand sanitizer’s superpowers.

“You won’t believe how many ways you can put that bottle of hand sanitizer gel to use,” Reader’s Digest’s Lauren Cahn writes.

Let’s count the ways:

  • Polish Silver: Hand Sanitizer cuts right through tarnish. Just squirt a few drops on a soft cloth and rub away the dull.
  • Clean Your Eyeglasses: Sure, you can spend nearly $20 on special name brand lens cleaning fluid, or you can use the helpful hand sanitizer standing just a few feet away on your sink top to remove fingerprints from your eyeglasses.
  • Emergency Deodorant: Run out of Old Spice or Degree? Rubbing hand sanitizer on your armpits removes the bacteria that is giving your underarms a bad reputation.
  • Acne Relief: Blackheads beware: Just a tab of hand sanitizer can deliver immediate relief from that pesky pimple.
  • A Dry Shampoo: No time to wash and blow dry on a Manic Monday? Have no fear, your instant cure for a bad hair day is here. Simply squeeze a bit of sanitizer onto your fingertips, massage lightly into your roots, and voila, you have fresh-washed and good-looking hair. Eat your heart out, Head & Shoulders.
  • Remove Permanent Marker From Clothes: Mr. Clean doesn’t work this fast. Save your clothes from the embarrassing stain of permanent ink by dabbing hand sanitizer on the stain, placing a piece of newspaper between the layers so the ink doesn’t bleed from one layer to the other, and let dry.
  • Take The Hurt Out of Ripping Off A Band-Aid: One of the world’s worst stings is instantly made comfortable thanks to hand sanitizer, which gives removing adhesive’s a mother’s sensitive and caring touch. Instead of ripping off an adhesive bandage, rub some hand sanitizer over the sticky ends to release the adhesive. Wait a minute, and then painlessly remove the strip.
  • Clean Your Keyboard: Your office and home PC keyboard is a germ jungle by nature, and some days even dirtier than a toilet seat. Wiping down your keyboard with a hand sanitizer-coated cloth – ideally microfiber – can have your keyboard looking brand new and, most importantly, typing germ-free.
  • Clean Your Mouse: While we’re de-germing your desk, why not give your mouse a bath? Again, a simple microfiber cloth coated with sanitizer can have your mouse working as clean as Listerine.
  • Clean Your Phone’s Touchscreen: Don’t put away that microfiber cloth yet. Wash your phone’s touchscreen, which naturally is a human fingerprint.

Sure, during this miserable cold and flu season, hand sanitizer is our best ready defense against germs and bacteria. But this jack of all trades cleaner is much more than just a germ terminator.

“If you think hand sanitizer is just for sanitizing your hands, think again,” Bruce and Jeanne Lubin wrote for Quick and Dirty Tips.