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Wash, Sanitize, Condition: A Pure Cold Germ-Fighting Plan

Avant and Aterra hand hygiene products

In these sickliest days of the year, three words practiced daily can go a long way to keeping us free from catching the cold and flu blues.  Wash. Sanitize. Condition. In the germ fight, these words are pure gold.

A daily routine of handwashing, using hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available, and skin conditioner can keep your hands free of contagious germs and bacteria and moist, and most importantly, keep you free of the sickly grip of influenza. As the Centers for Disease Controls note, hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. B4 Brands’ ace germ-killing, hand moisturizing line of products are a smart plan to keep you and your family healthy, happy and impervious to the devious intentions of germs and bacteria this flu season.

Step 1: Wash

Unwashed hands are a super highway without traffic for germs to travel for fast transmission of diseases and conditions. The best way to roadblock the super germ highway and detour terms is washing hands with soap and clean, running water for 20 seconds. When to wash? Before and after preparing food, using the restroom, blowing your nose, coming in contact with pets, handling garbage and caring for someone who is sick.

But when water is not available, B4 Brands has the perfect game plan to keep your hands germ and bacteria free.

Step 2: Sanitize

When soap and water are unavailable, B4 Brands’ Avant Alcohol-Free Foam Hand Sanitizer is clinically proven to put 99.9 percent of germs on ice. Avant Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizer is fragrance-free and dye-free. Tabbing a dime-size amount of Avant on your hand and rubbing it over the surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry eliminates virtually all active germs and bacteria on your hands.

Step 3: Condition

How we care for our hands between handwashing and sanitizer applications makes a major difference in our hands’ overall hygiene. B4 Brands’ Aterra Eco-Premium Hand Lotion combines a unique blend of natural moisturizers and oils to soften skin without prolonged greasy residue. The USTA-certified biobased product keeps hands moist and refreshed during the coldest, driest and sickliest days of the year.

During cold and flu season, there’s no better anti-germ and bacteria plan than 4 Brands’ Wash-Sanitize-Condition. It’s a proven formula to keep you and your family healthy and on your feet through any sickly storm.

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